Exchanges & Returns
An order may be canceled up to 24 hours after purchase. After this period, we are unable to accept returns. Customers wishing to cancel an order must contact us below. Orders canceled prior to shipment will be eligible for a full refund.
30 Day Policy
Items considered wearable apparel are eligible for exchange 30 days prior to delivery. All items considered Accessories can not be exchanged. Customers seeking an exchange are to fill out the contact form below, including the order number in the message. Customers eligible for an exchange will receive a return label via email. Once received, we will issue a full refund. Customers can then return to order their desired size or item in a new, separate order.
Problems with your Order?
If you received your order and it's incorrect, haven't received an order that has been marked delivered, or are unhappy with what you received, please reach out below with your order number. We'll fix it! Hands up, thats on us.
Thank You For Your Support!
-YMO Customer Service